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(817) 273-5501

Donation Request

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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Donation Request

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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Probably some brick & mortar scamming store owner that sells used and or new clothing, and lying about being a charity organization to get free clothing to sell in their store. I can find NO charitable organization with this number in a google search. Yet I can search 817-472-4500 and my local Macy's store shows at the top of the list. Search about any number of a real company or organization and Google most always displays the name of that organization or company. Give your old clothing to your local Mission, or sell them in a garage sale and donate to your favorite charity if you want to be charitable. This is a lying crook wanting to line his or her own pockets using lies & deception to fill there stores with your used clothing. Try asking them for the physical address of their brick & mortar location and tell them you will drop the clothes off at that location and see what kind of answer you get!

March 8, 2023


Clothing donation pick up

December 10, 2022

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